keskiviikko 29. syyskuuta 2010

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Thanks for taking your time to read my blog! I appreciate it more than you think. Drop a comment here if you liked the texts or found something you did not exactly agree with. I'm not satisfied with my writing skills yet and hope to be able to express myself better as time goes on and I experiment with the blog.


maanantai 27. syyskuuta 2010

Week 4: Mixed feelings

I don't always talk much. That doesn't mean I don't like the way you behave. But it might. Think about it. One month in Seoul and I'm still alive and well. Give me some energy, though.

2. Feel

Felt as if I was still drunk.

sunnuntai 26. syyskuuta 2010

September in pictures

Some picks from the past month of my life here in a chronological order (latest photos first). Use comments to ask questions.

lauantai 18. syyskuuta 2010

Week 3: Been there, done that

So what did I actually do during the first three weeks here?

Physical activities are the easiest to describe so I'm going to tell you what I've been up to. Besides, reflecting on what I've done doesn't take that much energy. I'm writing this at the dormitory on a Sunday morning at 7AM. It's been intense.

3. Do

sunnuntai 12. syyskuuta 2010

Week 2: awesome people

My experience is that change is good.

This text will be about some of the things I've learned during my stay here. I believe it's more important than writing about the places I've been to or how I've felt because when it comes to learning there's always a need for reflection, as the things that I've done and how I felt are merely the environment in which my learning takes place.

tiistai 7. syyskuuta 2010


Dear diary, today I felt like a management consultant.

I think that I was able to help the AIESECers at Sogang University thanks to the work I've done in AIESEC. My AIESEC experience so far covers quite a few leadership positions: vice president talent management & corporate development, local committee president and lastly organizing committee president of an international conference.

sunnuntai 5. syyskuuta 2010

Week 1: Arrival & things

So yeah, the flights took me to Seoul from Helsinki via Amsterdam 27th August and I arrived here 28th August at 11am local, 5am Finnish time. The first week has been full of student life at its best. Here's a feeble attempt at describing my time in here so far. Because I dislike reading a lot of text in a messy format I've structured the blog the following way. I'll also be able to reflect on the most important points of the day. If you see that there's some logic missing just say so.

1. Learn
s) school
l) language
p) people
c) cultures
2. Feel
3. Do
4. Random

perjantai 3. syyskuuta 2010

Why not?

Allright... I've already been one week in Seoul so it's more than about time to do this!

It all started in January when I was looking for some new places to go for my exchange studies. It's not mandatory to go for exchange at my university, but based on everything I know it's more than beneficial for you as a person and as a professional. So why not? Having made the decision I had some criteria for the university I was going to choose: