keskiviikko 29. syyskuuta 2010

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Thanks for taking your time to read my blog! I appreciate it more than you think. Drop a comment here if you liked the texts or found something you did not exactly agree with. I'm not satisfied with my writing skills yet and hope to be able to express myself better as time goes on and I experiment with the blog.


4 kommenttia:

  1. oh yeah, and let me know if there's something specific you want to know about. postcards, souvenirs... ;)

  2. Well you know already about the things i don't exactley agree with, but otherwise I enjoyed reading about your time in Korea.
    You have structured your blog in a really good way.
    I like to read it and that I find the things clearly stated under its subtitles.
    Just continue you've done a good job.
    The things I've been wondering is that what do ppl bring back from korea.. is it electronics,food,clothes or what as all countries always have their "special" stuff to bring back home-I'm sure ppl start ordering stuff from you soon :D

  3. kimchi! i saw one guy taking kimchi from the dorm restaurant with him in a plastic bag one day :D

  4. So you suggest that I orde kimchi in a plastig bag to Finland xD Won't it like become old or something and good luck with the stealing part from the cafeteria as well ;)
